Monday 21 November 2016

LO4 question 10 evaluation question

Evaluate: advantages and disadvantages , always have to evaluate a pre production document - SWOT, Mindmap, Moodboard, Bluesky thinking ,visualisation diagram, story board , script and site map

Effectiveness: How well/useful that product/document is - Why that document is important in pre production. Need to make sure that it is linked to the scenario . The conventions of the document . Showing consequences of having missing features. (conventions are advantages) . Another disadvantage would be not saying anything about additional pre production documents that are needed to go alongside the document you are evaluating.

You need to use examples from the brief - directly relative
Explain why something is effective or not
Explain why something is important based on who the audience are (target audience)
Needs to be done in full sentences with appropriate grammar.

Level 4 15 marks onward only.

should be spending 20-25 minutes

LO3/ 4: visualisation Diagram feedback

4/6 D-
The reasons why i didnt get full marks for this question are , i failed to mention different social media sites the shoe has been advertised on so that the customer could follow the print product to an interactive site, also i missed out pricing and the reverse side of the poster.

Questions 8 and 9 are both out of 6 and you will have to draw two pre production documents.

conventions of a poster:

- promoting/advertising the product it is about ie: Rimmel london nail varnishes
- Portrait
-  (Masthead) Brand logo clearly displayed either at the top centre or bottom centre
- image of the product/the product in use
- Description of the product
- Strapline/slogan
- Graphics
- Keeping to house style of existing products
- Web link/social media
- Review , not from competitors

- justify designs for instance house style.
- Need to link directly to the brief

Monday 7 November 2016

LO3: production schedules and forms

1. A production schedule is a way of keeping to the dates and deadlines set by the client, this ensures that certain elements of the production are done in correct time frames. This involves completing tasks such as filming and resources (hardware/software)- this shows to the client that their product is being handled by an organised team of people.

2. These production schedules are important as they allow the client and the company making the product to clearly map out the events happening toward producing the product.

people whom use production schedukle

- producer
- cast
- personnel used in the production

Based on Road safety computer game scenario.

A production schedule can also be described as a project management tool.

Microsoft exel is an appropriate piece of software that could help you make a production schedule as it allows you to add and edit information regarding the project. Exel allows you to make the tables that are appropriate for the brief/scenario.

Identify one project management tool that could be used to keep track of the project tasks and explain why it is suitable for the task [3]

One project management tool that could be used would be a production schedule, this allows the company to suitably plan out all of the tasks and activities that need completing in order to make the product successful for the client. It is a thorough way of planning and organising the workload into managable chunks and visually check off tasks that need completing in a certain time frame. It is suitable for this task as the client has asked for the product to be completed in a sum of 13 weeks should they be given the go ahead, the company then would make a production schedule as to give structure to the making of the product for example which elements need to be completed by week 1,2,3 ect.

Assessor: Joakin
2/3 Marks.
  • Created in Microsoft Excel.
  • Arranged in Chronological Order.

Friday 30 September 2016

LO1: Prelim Task for UTC magazine

For this prelim task we were given a brief to create a magazine for UTC sheffield based on our knowledge of conventions. To create this front cover for my magazine i used photoshop and original images of UTC to begin to design a front cover. I attempted to include many of the different conventions such as a banner containing information about a competition.

Monday 12 September 2016

LO1: Legal Issues

What does crowdfunding mean?

Crowdfunding means a production has been funded by public donations in order to meet the target made that fits the budget. The budget needs to include everything the production needs to be made. Correct

Two advantages for an independent project:

You don’t have to factor as many wages into the budget as the company will be small without any subsidiary companies.

Production ideas can be decided quickly rather than having to go through many different people and legal requirements due to subsidiary companies (don't have to have their approval).
  • Can get donations for any project (more freedom).
Two disadvantages for an independant project:
  • Can be difficult for unknown projects (maybe not have a fanbase/audience).
  • Marketing the product is more difficult because you don't have the money from funding.
  • Social media can be used to promote the product because it's free e.g. - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.
Assessor: Joakin

What is meant by legal issues?

The term legal issues means the implications that can arise whilst making a media product for
example using second hand material requires you to gain permission to use such products in your
work whether that be copyright or a binding agreement not to abuse the power given by the material.
Whilst producing a media product it would be important to ensure you are meeting the legal
 requirements put in place by other companies if you are a subsidary or conforming to the rules and
 regulations of a broadcasting should you be an independent company to avoid prosecution.
*release and consent form (actors,models,land owners)
*health and safety (risk assesment)

freedom of information act.

1) Definition of what it means- provides public access to information held by public authorities it does this in a few ways - public authorities are obliged to publish certain information about their activities.
2)Three  reasons why it is important - allows the the public to keep tabs on what companies are doing and to make sure they are not doing anything wrong and also to find out what they know about you
3)What are the consequences of not adhering to this? - if someone makes a complaint about you to the ICO the complaints handling process gives you oppotunity to reconsider yout actions and put right any mistakes.
4) Find an example of where this legal issue was breached - in 2010 the information was was breached by a council , they failed to provide information by not saying how many days 2 consultants worked or what each was paied. they were given 30 days to rectify this
5) How does this law effect pre production of a media product?
    should you need any information when you are creating a documentary it means that information can be gained easily to protect yourself against other laws that could be breached by giving wrong information
Data protection act:
1) Definition of what it means- the data protection act is what controls how peoples personal information is used by governement organizations and buisnesses.
2)Three  reasons why it is important- to stay safe and secure, used lawfully and fairly and not transferred outside of the european economic area without adequate protection and handled accordingly to peoples data protection rights.

the data protection act controls the way information is being handled.
3)What are the consequences of not adhering to this? the company could be prosecuted and face severe legal issues should the data they be handling be given to a 3rd party. Their is a maximum fine of 500,000 the ICO have never fined over £350,000  but as of the 25th of may 2018 the maximum will reach 20 million euros.
4) Find an example of where this legal issue was breached - in april 2011 sony was fined 250k for not having sufficient security. Peoples bank details were exposed which was a big breach of their private information - this was a very serious breach
5) How does this law effect pre production of a media product?

    during the pre production of a media product the data protection act affects it in several ways for example the company is obliged to securely hold the information of those involved in the production such as cast and crew. companies do this by strong password management, anti spyware and ensuring back up of data (encrypted data)
Intellectual property rights
1) Definition of what it means - protections granted to the creators of IP and include trademarks, copyright, patents, industrial design. This prevents others from using the protected thing in advertising ect..
2)Three  reasons why it is important
supports high paying jobs as it employs 55 million americans and hundereds of millions of people worldwide
drives economic growth and competitiveness
strong and enforced IPR protect customers and families - helps make educated choices about the safety  and reliablity of their purchases .
3)What are the consequences of not adhering to this? if you dont have the rights to the work then a case of copyright infringement may be filed and the person could in turn be prosecuted.
4) Find an example of where this legal issue was breached - amazon was granted a patent for 1-click technology in september 1999 there has been several patent disputes surrounding it, including a patent infringement lawsuit was filed against barnes and nobel  for using a check out option called 'express lane'
5) How does this law effect pre production of a media product?
 can cost considerable amounts of money to use secondhand media for example a song or image that you can lawfully use in your production. some companies seek permission by asking songwriters to compile a song for a specific film/ad
copyright/designs and patents act
1) Definition of what it means - copyright is claiming ownership of anything whether it be litery or dramatised.
2)Three  reasons why it is important- it is a legal aquirement, allows you to get credited for your work, allows the work to become an asset
3)What are the consequences of not adhering to this? the courts can impose a potential fine of up to £50,000 and a custodial sentence of up to 10 years. you would also have to give back all copies of the breach of copyright.
4) Find an example of where this legal issue was breached- Puff daddy sampled THE POLICES every breath you take on his 1997 song ill be missing you  without asking permission, he now has to pay sting £2000 a day as sting gets 100% of the writing royalties.
5) How does this law effect pre production of a media product?
you have to double check if there is any copyrighted material in which case you must get permission to be able to use it.

patent: a government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention:

LO1: Introduction Booklet

LO1: Legal issues presentation

1. definition of what it means
2. three reasons why it is important
3. what are the consequences of not adhering to this law?
4. find an example of where this legal issue was breached
5. how does this law  effect pre-production of a media product? Give example

My group

Shauna (me)

we are researching libel and slander.